What Jim Knew
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers • 1963 • 82 pages • ISBN: 978-1-0139-5702-4

illustrated by Norman Hoberman
Jim knew some amazing things! He knew how to grow even bigger than his older brother, and how to make himself invisible, and – if he really concentrated – to jump higher and higher until he was walking above the clouds. In exhuberant verse, with pictures to match, the Hobermans present Jim’s carefully reasoned fantasies, which are the certainties of many imaginative young minds.
Jim knew how to slide down slides
And how to run and how to swim;
But Jim knew other things besides:
Special things,
Secret things,
Thing that no one knew but him.
Look Inside
Follow along with Mary Ann Hoberman as she reads What Jim Knew.
Please note: like many books published more that 50 years ago, this book contains some characters that are depicted insensitively by today’s standards.